Important Information following General Membership Meeting!

Posted 1 day ago by Kristen Espinoza

Aloha Members! 

Last night we held our Fall General Membership meeting and provided members with valuable information, resources, and ways to get involved in the PA community and HAPA initiatives! If you were unable to attend our meeting yesterday please consider joining us for a legislative round table listening session tomorrow night at 6pm at Kapiolani Medical Center Conference Rooms 8,9,10 or on Zoom to voice your needs and experiences with our Legislative Chair Leocadia Conlon PhD, MPH, PA-C. (Link on event page)

We are calling on our members to provide your valuable knowledge, ideas and experiences in order to improve the PA profession in our state. We cannot do it alone! You are all the individual keys to our success and we want to provide you with avenues to grow and help change our community for the better! Please let us know if there are additional ways we can support you or ways you would like to support HAPA. 

Below are some of the contacts, resources, and opportunities for involvement that were presented at our meeting. 

1. Aly Hite, MPH Director of Business Development at Ho'ola Health: Aly and her team are hiring a primary care/internal med PA! Application closes this week!

Email:, Phone: 808-824-3573

Mahalo to Aly and her team for sponsoring our dinner last night!

2. Director at Large Position open on HAPA Board: As Devin Tanaka PA-C has taken over as Vice President his position of Director at Large has become available! This is the perfect opportunity to learn about the ins and outs of HAPA without the pressure of lengthy job duties. Feel free to read more about this position in our bylaws located in the "about us" section of our website. 

Email us a brief description of why you are interested in joining our board as well as your qualifications to by 10/23/2024. The board will be voting on this position on 10/29 and this person will serve as Director at Large until our Summer 2025 election.

3. HPU is looking for Preceptors and Adjunct Faculty for their new PA Program!

Submit your information here to be considered for Adjunct Faculty Adjunct Faculty Submission Form

Submit your information here to become a preceptor Preceptor Submission

4. Join our Legislative Committee: Assist us in drafting legislation, submitting testimony, and keeping an eye on bills that may have an impact on PA Practice. 

Email our Legislative Chair Leocadia Conlon, PhD, MPH, PA-C at to join!

5. Call for PAs in Women's Health/ Abortion care: Legislators are interested in hearing about your experiences working in Hawaii. 

Contact Leocadia Conlon, PhD, MPH, PA-C at to learn more about how you can contribute to this important conversation. 

6. Conference Planning Committee: Join us in 2025 for the 35th Aloha Medical Conference: Assist us in recruiting speakers, exhibitors and sponsors, advertising to attendees, booking social events, and/or physically running the conference from October 27th -October 31st 2025. With a planning meeting each month we will keep you in the loop about your responsibilities and our needs leading up to this event! Pre-PAs are welcome too!

Email us at to join our committee! 

7. Volunteer with HAPA at the Honolulu Marathon December 8th 2024!

Join us at the last tent before the marathon finish line to provide basic medical care to runners! Sign up here to volunteer

8. West Pac Wealth Partners, Advisors Christopher Chow and Roxy Kiessling, are experts on medical provider finances and are here to help you with your financial planning! Reach out to them today to learn more about their services!

Email: &

*Please reach out to us at with any questions or feedback for our board! 

Mahalo again for all of your support and we look forward to hearing from you!

Kristen Espinoza, PA-C

HAPA President 


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