HAPA General Meeting Announcement & Updates

Posted almost 6 years ago by Joel Hamaguchi

Aloha HAPA Members,
Our next general meeting is just two months away on Tuesday, October 30, 6:00pm, at the Sheraton Waikiki during our 30th Aloha Medical Conference.  Please look for an announcement and RSVP request in the coming days.  We are working with Novo Nordisk to have a dinner program and will need a firm head count.
In advance of the meeting, please review the following HAPA activities since the last general meeting in the spring.
It is that time of year again to consider stepping into a leadership role on the HAPA board of directors.  In accordance with HAPA bylaws, elections are held every summer for the following positions:
- President Elect
- Secretary
- Treasurer
For descriptions of the responsibility of each officer, please see the HAPA Bylaws posted on the HAPA website.  All officers candidates for office must 1) be a fellow member in good standing with the academy and 2) be a member in good standing with the AAPA.
If you are interested in running for office, please submit your name for consideration to contacthapa@gmail.com no later than Friday, September 21.  Nominees are asked to submit a brief bio and statement listing their credentials and reason for running for office.  Elections will be held the week of October 22 - 26 with election results announced at the general meeting the following week.
Legislative Action
Over the winter of last year and spring of this year, the HAPA board worked with AAPA to craft comprehensive optimal team practice legislation.  In meetings with legislators in the spring, it was clear that the 2018-2019 legislative session would be the best time to introduce our proposed OTP legislation.  Also during the 2017-2018 session, a private-citizen PA introduced legislation aiming to remove NCCPA re-certification as a condition for licensing.  Despite his and several HAPA members strong efforts, the measure unfortunately failed during the late stages of the session.  This measure to amend the Hawaii Administrative Rules to remove NCCPA re-certification will be re-introduced in the coming session and is currently under discussion with the Board of Medical Examiners.  The goal to remove NCCPA re-certification for licensing is further included in the comprehensive OTP legislation developed in collaboration with AAPA and will thus be proposed in the coming legislative year as a revision to Hawaii Revised Statutes.
While active legislative activity slowed in preparation for state elections in 2 months (please remember to vote!), the HAPA board also explored the possibility of hiring a lobbyist.  Due to the complexities of the legislative process in the state and need for real-time information on upcoming hearings, a lobbyist would markedly improve the chances of having comprehensive PA legislation passed.  Unfortunately, the cost of a full-time lobbyist or lobbying firm is a major barrier.  We, as an organization, will need to consider our best chances for having OTP passed in Hawaii - whether it be fundraising for a lobbyist, mobilizing a strong grassroots effort, or else whatever creative strategies we collectively develop.  We ask HAPA members and PAs in the community to consider a unified approach to legislation as the best utilization of our collective efforts.  While we appreciate the diverse and great experience of our members and non-member PA colleagues, the HAPA board fears a disjointed legislative effort will not effect the change we would all like to see in Hawaii.
30th Aloha Medical Conference
Planning for the 30th Aloha Medical Conference is progressing well, and we are excited for another good turnout for the main fundraiser for our organization.  May our gratitude for the tireless efforts of Bob Null be a constant refrain this year for his devotion to the conference and PA education in Hawaii.  Please see the conference website for details and tentative agenda.
Updated Bylaws are available for review on the HAPA website.  We will take a vote to ratify the Bylaws at the October general meeting and are currently open to comments regarding the proposed changes.  To date, we have received one suggestion to add a membership category for emeritus members who have - for one reason or another - allowed their PA license to lapse.  The need for updated Bylaws came at the suggestion of the AAPA, which provided common Bylaws adopted by many other state chapters.
Hawaii PA Program
Efforts continue to establish a PA program in the state in partnership with MEDEX Northwest PA program with the University of Washington.  For updates, please see https://hawaiipaprogram.org/.  Thank you to the many PAs and PA advocates who are working to build a local pipeline of Hawaii-based PAs.