Survey for pediatric or family care providers
Posted 4 months ago by Kristen Espinoza
Please consider participating in the survey below sent from the Hawai'i Community Foundation:
We would like to invite your participation in an important online survey that seeks to gather baseline information from direct service providers on the mental health services they currently provide or would like to provide to Hawaiʻi’s keiki and families. The survey was developed on behalf of the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation and several Hawaiʻi state agencies and nonprofits committed to advancing infant and early childhood mental health initiatives in the state.
The survey is specifically seeking input from direct service providers, including social workers and community health workers, that work in pediatric or family care, either in primary care or mental health. To qualify to participate in the survey, individuals must be providing or capable of providing primary care or mental health care to children age 5 and under.
The data collected will be shared only in aggregated form with organizations focused on workforce development as well as policymakers to help guide future planning and decision-making in this area. Your input is critical and will help ensure that policymakers have an accurate picture of Hawaiʻi’s providers and the mental health services available to our keiki and families.
The survey will only be live for a short time, so please take a few minutes to complete it now. You may take the survey by clicking on the link. Those who complete the survey will have the opportunity to enter a lucky drawing to win one of four $100 gift cards!
Please share this survey with your health care and mental health colleagues who work with keiki and families in Hawaiʻi. Obtaining data from more providers will enable us to present a more complete and accurate picture. Your kōkua is appreciated and valued.
Mahalo in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts on mental health services for keiki and families!