Urgent and Important updates for HAPA Members: Read Now.

Posted over 6 years ago by Rocco Laudadio jr.

HAPA Update FEB 2018

-HAPA’s New Contact information: ContactHAPA@gmail.com, emails will be responded to within 72 hours.

-Please send/direct Job listings to ContactHAPA@gmail.com

-Next HAPA General Meeting 29 MAR 2018, at 1800 hrs, location TBD

-Santo Dimartino (Sammy) has worked with his District State Representative (s) to introduce a bill to remove PANRE as requirement for licensure renewal in Hawaii.  If passed, PA-Cs will only need initial PANCE passage and continued CME to renew state license.  Support the efforts THIS WEDNESDAY at 1030 hrs; Room 329 at the State Capital.  Bring family and colleagues to show support. Please Contact Sam immediately to get the details you need to show support and to write letters of support.  santodimartino@yahoo.com , Cell: 808.294.2530

-During the last quarter of 2017 and early 2018, the Executive Board of HAPA worked closely with the AAPA to establish and write a series of Hawaii Revised Statute revisions.  These desired revisions  will strengthen the Physician - PA Team by implementing all key elements of Optimal Team Practice (OTP) in Hawaii.   HAPA will be working throughout 2018 preparing for the 2019 legislative year.  Your support will be needed.

-HAPA will continue to meet with, and form alliances and partnerships with Committee Members who serve on health, safety, hospital,  and other boards, as well as our elected Representatives in both Houses.  

-The Executive Members of HAPA have voted unanimously to hire a part-time lobbyist in the near future.

-Continued engagement of lobbyist activities will come from fundraising efforts; more to come.

-Bylaws are being reviewed, and updated (where applicable)  and will be presented at next general membership meeting. HAPA is working with AAPA POCs to ensure our updated bylaws represent a consistent standard practice, and suits the needs of our organization.

-Membership fee increase: Ratified by the board 01 FEB 2018; 100$/year starting 15 APR 2018

Respectfully, HAPA Board,

Rocco Laudadio Jr., PA-C

Christina Starks, PA-C

Matthew Kwock, PA-C

Joel Hamaguchi , PA-C